Dns Server Configuration In Linux 6 Step By Step Pdf To Jpg Converter
Contents.Basic ScenarioThe simple and straightforward approach for most installations.Assumptions. Your Moodle site is located at. You have configured your PHP installation with the LDAP extension. It is loaded and activated, and it shows when you go to (logged in as user 'admin'). Your LDAP server has as its IP address.

You are not using LDAP with SSL (also known as LDAPS) in your settings. Now, you just have to fill in the values. Let's go step by step.LDAP Server Settings Field nameValue to fill inHost URLAs the IP of your LDAP server is, type ' ldap://' (without the quotes), or just '' (some people have trouble connecting with the first syntax, specially on MS Windows servers).VersionUnless you are using a really old LDAP server, version 3 is the one you should choose.LDAP EncodingSpecify encoding used by LDAP server. Most probably utf-8.Bind settings Field nameValue to fill inHide passwordsAs you don't want to store the users's password in Moodle's database, choose Yes here.Distinguished NameThis is the distinguished name of the bind user defined above. Just type ' cn=ldap-user,dc=my,dc=organization,dc=domain' (without the quotes).PasswordThis is the bind user password defined above.